Monthly Archives: September 2018


Albumleaf 145: September 27, 2018 (Bologna) Cob is an ancient building material that consists of mud and straw. It’s still used today–and is even ecologically sound and inexpensive. The problem is you have to wait for one layer to dry before putting another on top. So, cob buildings take a long time to construct. This […]

“The Shepheardes Calender — September”

Albumleaf 144: September 20, 2018 (Bologna) Diggon Dauie travels to a far-off land in search of fortune, but finds instead a den of treachery and sin and loses all his sheep.

“Little Vanishing World 5 (Cloud Garden)”

Albumleaf 143: September 11, 2018 (Bologna) Because the world has been clamoring for more atonal miniatures, I’ve decided, after a seven-year hiatus, to return to my Little Vanishing World series.  Buon ascolto!  

“Dorian Rings”

Albumleaf 142: September 5, 2018 (Bologna) Normally I like process music about as much as I liked processed food. But every once in a while, if you fool around with it and don’t follow the directions, it can be okay.