Monthly Archives: April 2010

“Jatekok on I.7 (Pieces for Vln., Vc., and Pno.)”

Albumleaf 8: April 24, 2010 (Farmville)

“Theme and Interpretations”

Albumleaf 7: April 18, 2010 (Farmville) [audio:]

T.S. Eliot Speaks

From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire Where you must move in measure, like a dancer. –“Little Gidding,” lines 144-146

“Meditation (Seascape)”

Albumleaf 6: April 14, 2010 (Farmville)

“Seven Machine”

Albumleaf 5: April 8, 2010 (Farmville)


Albumleaf 4: March 29, 2010 (Farmville)

E.M. Cioran Speaks

A passion for music is in itself an avowal. We know more about a stranger who yields himself up to it than about someone who is deaf to music and whom we see every day. —The Trouble with Being Born p. 56 (Translation: Richard Howard)

“Circle of Fifths”

Albumleaf 3: March 27, 2010 (Farmville)


Albumleaf 2: March 25, 2010 (Farmville)

“Memory of Scriabin”

Albumleaf 1: March 21, 2010 (Farmville)